Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010

Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010
As of yesterday, still no good news from the Embassy. We continue to patiently wait. St. Anne's has proven to be a very safe place. We feel completely comfortable here, but are BORED!! We basically spend the day in our room, with the exception of walking across the street to the market and going for a walk or two around the complex. The people here are awesome and look out for us and our safety. The other day, we got close to the gate and we were stopped by a worker telling us that it was a bad time of day, not to go anywhere. Also, a friend of a friend stopped here to see me and she said she had a horrible time finding out where I was. We just happened to come down the steps and bump into her. Noone would tell her whether or not I was even at St. Anne's.
We have no idea how long we will have to stay in the DRC. As of now, there is no end in sight. Our situation has proven to be very unique and we feel like we're fighting a battle that we're not sure we are going to win. VERY FRUSTRATING! What we do know is that this was bound to happen to someone, if it wouldn't have happened to us. Please pray for quick resolution and a quick homecoming.
The kids are awesome! Both have been sick. Caleb most recently was running a temp of 102.9 most of the day yesterday and into this morning. He finally has climbed out of my lap and is crawling around the floor. He has not slept in two nights, other than half-hour increments. Hoping to catch a nap today.
We have been chronicling our journey and will share more details when we are safe on U.S. soil. For now, just know that we really need your prayers. I can't imagine that God would lead us to this little guy half way around the world only to have me come home without him.


  1. I hope you are all home and safe. I have not heard anything in a while.

  2. Hello,
    I'm just checking in. I found your blog site in my "favorites" file. I thought I lost it. Oh boy. I'm wondering how things have gone since November, your last post. I will certainly be praying. If you have a chance and would like to update via email, you're welcome to do so.
    Angie Laubach
